It is well documented that hunting plays a key role in scientific wildlife management and generating crucial funding for conservation. As an important side benefit, it also boosts the nation’s economy.
Data shows there was a general decline in hunter participation over the last several decades. However, COVID-19 triggered a reawakening in Americans about their connection to the outdoors and the vital importance of creating and maintaining their own food security.
As a result, state wildlife agencies across the nation report upticks in hunting participation.
One study indicates hunting license sales increased by at least five percent from 2019 to 2020 while another reports more than 18 million Americans of all ages now hunt.
As hunters head afield, their financial impacts are very real and result in measurable, positive benefits in communities both small and large.
Expenses include hunting licenses and fees, travel, food and drink, hunting gear, housing, clothing and footwear, ammunition, guns and archery equipment, heating and cooking fuel, outfitting fees and many others.
According to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, spending by hunters boosts the U.S. economy by more than 185 million dollars per day.
That hunter funding annually generates 9 billion dollar in federal, state and local taxes, which support more than half a million jobs, ranging from wildlife biologists and game wardens to waitresses and motel clerks.
Generating vital funding for conservation, managing wildlife populations, valuing wildlife species and doing so while also boosting the economy…all highlight how Hunting Is Conservation.